Every month, we’re bringing you the top news in addiction treatment and justice services from publications around the country.
Addiction treatment | Justice services
Studying cannabis use in Canada since the 2018 legalization of non-medical use
This study examines cannabis use, risk perceptions and sourcing in Canada following the 2018 Cannabis Act, which legalized non-medical use. It shows an increase in non-medical use among both men and women and notes that rates of cannabis use by young people remain among the highest in Canada. It also reports that Canadians are increasingly sourcing their cannabis from legal retailers.
Looking ahead
The study emphasizes both the importance of education efforts, especially targeting youth, and ongoing monitoring for effective policy evaluation and implementation.
Read more | Learn more about our adolescent treatment and prevention solutions
Telehealth may help people stick with treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD)
Researchers found that people with AUD who received treatment via telehealth, compared to in-person visits alone, participated in more therapy visits and adhered longer to medication treatment plans. Researchers noted that Black participants were less likely to receive video telehealth treatment, and emphasized the ongoing need to keep multiple treatment modalities available.
Read more | Read the study in full
Studying the importance of gender-responsive, trauma-sensitive treatment for women with opioid use disorder and posttraumatic stress
This article focuses on the need for gender-responsive, integrated treatment for women with co-occurring opioid use disorder (OUD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Respondents with OUD/PTSD expressed feeling stuck in a cycle of trauma and opioid use, with trauma leading to subsequent use and use leading to additional trauma.
The article emphasizes that trauma-informed treatment for women needs to consider "therapeutic content, structure, contextual factors, social support and PTSD severity to enhance uptake and reach."
Read more | Explore Women in Recovery, our gender-responsive treatment curriculum
The importance of reentry programming: A special feature from the Office of Justice Programs
The article highlights the challenges and importance of reentry programming for the 1.8 million Americans released from incarceration annually. It emphasizes the effectiveness of reentry programs in reducing recidivism, improving public safety and addressing critical needs like housing and employment. The article links out to resources regarding the needs of different incarcerated populations returning to the community.
Further reading
From the National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Five things to know about women and reentry.
Read more | Explore our reentry-focused solutions
OJJDP announces $17 million to support a continuum of care approach to address youth justice and advance community safety
The Office of Justice Programs’ Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded over $17 million to 23 state and local sites and three training providers to enhance positive youth development and community safety. This initiative, part of OJJDP’s Continuum of Care framework, aims to prevent juvenile justice involvement through evidence-based practices like mentoring and after-school programs.
Read more | Explore our juvenile justice solutions
The Justice Department takes step to make marijuana use a less serious crime
The Justice Department (DOJ), which oversees the Drug Enforcement Adminsitration (DEA), is considering reclassifying marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug. This shift could align federal and state laws, opening avenues for medical use, lighter penalties and increased research. Public opinion supports legalization, and the move aims to address racial disparities in drug law enforcement.