Atlas release notes: view participants, manage visibility, and more

Atlas is a platform that empowers justice and treatment agencies to effectively manage, deliver, and scale person-centered, evidence-based programming. The Change Companies' product team brings you biweekly release notes to keep you up-to-date on the latest product features in Atlas. 


August 12, 2024

Set Interactive Journal. Library Visibility - Atlas Digital Platform

Set Interactive Journal Library Visibility

Administrators can now manage Interactive Journal visibility at the organization level, controlling whether participants see the full library or only their assigned Journals. 

To access these features, visit the home screen or select the help center icon from the navigation bar.


My Participants tab for administers - Atlas digital platform

"My Participants" View

A new "My Participants" tab for administrators provides quick access to participant profiles, Journal reports, and assignments at the individual level. This tab is now the default landing page for administrators.

Bugs and Improvements

Minor bugs reported by users have been fixed, including admin navigation changes.


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