Embracing change with the ReThink Now curriculum

Two Journal covers for the ReThink Now program superimposed over a photo of a group of diverse men speaking.

ReThink Now is a diversion program for justice-involved individuals. Using a cognitive-behavioral approach, it helps participants discover tools to help them make positive, long-lasting behavior change that will lead to better choices in the future, reduce recidivism and promote a safer community. ReThink Now includes a comprehensive suite of Interactive Journals designed for use in various settings, including correctional facilities, addiction treatment centers, mental health services and community health organizations.

The ReThink Now curriculum has been successfully implemented in numerous settings with positive outcomes. It can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual participant. This program can lead to improved self-esteem in participants, better decision-making abilities and a greater sense of control over their lives. 


The ReThink Now curriculum includes two core Journals:


RTC_coverReThink Now Responsible Choices

This Journal is dedicated to giving participants the skills and strategies they can use to make better choices every day. This Journal includes the following topics:

  • Strategies for making helpful decisions
  • Challenging thinking
  • Managing environment
  • Building a support network
  • Developing specific goals


RTS_coverReThink Now Supporting Change

This Journal provides supportive friends or family members of participants with basic information about making personal change. It also offers recommendations that may benefit people in providing the kind of support that can make a positive difference. Topics covered include:

  • Learning how to support positive change
  • Understanding your role in the change process
  • Establishing ground rules
  • Learning how people change, the stages of change and strategies that help people change
  • Building and strengthening healthy relationships
  • Recognizing the ripple effects of support


The ReThink Now curriculum also includes a variety of supplementary packages to meet the unique needs of individual participants, including:


RTDNThe ReThink Now Responsible Driving Package helps individuals make responsible choices related to operating a motor vehicle. A series of self-awareness exercises helps individuals identify faulty thinking while promoting safe driving decisions. Suitable referrals for this focus area include:

  • No insurance or registration
  • Reckless driving
  • Family court issues
  • Excessive speed
  • Driving with suspended/invalid license
  • Alternative sentencing 


RTTNThe ReThink Now Theft Intervention Package helps individuals identify risky thinking surrounding theft. Skill-building activities help prevent repeat offenses. This package is suitable for pretrial diversion or as a condition of probation. Suitable referrals for this focus area include:

  • Shoplifting
  • Petty larceny
  • Fraud
  • Trespassing
  • Embezzlement
  • Issuance of fraudulent checks


RTANThe ReThink Now Anger Management Package helps individuals see how the loss of emotional control leads to a loss of freedom. Individuals practice skills to control their emotions and consider the consequences of using violence to express angry feelings. Suitable referrals for this focus area include:

  • Resisting arrest
  • Assault
  • Harassment
  • Trespassing
  • Family court issues
  • Alternative sentencing


RADNThe ReThink Now Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness Package helps individuals move toward a change in thinking and behavior about substance use as it relates to problem behaviors that brought them into the justice system. This focus area increases public safety by preventing repeat offenses. Suitable referrals for this focus area include: 

  • Alcohol consumption by a minor
  • Providing alcohol to a minor
  • Drug/paraphernalia possession
  • Reckless driving
  • All other intoxication- or under-the-influence-related offenses


The ReThink Now curriculum can offer a roadmap to positive life change. With multiple packages to choose from, you can build your own bundle by starting with the Responsible Choices Journal and selecting a combination based on individual focus areas.