The Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) was designed with a focus on the specific challenges and experiences of women in incarceration. It represents the only suite of peer-reviewed risk/need instruments designed by and for system-impacted women. The WRNA helps staff — and the women they supervise — identify women’s criminogenic needs while better understanding their strengths. The instrument facilitates case planning to appropriate gender-responsive programs to address women’s specific needs. This is crucial to improving the lives of women and their families.
Benefits of implementing a gender-specific assessment include:
The domains in this assessment include:
Antisocial attitudes | Housing safety | Substance abuse |
Criminal history | Anger / hostility | Gambling |
Educational needs | History of mental illness | Family conflict / relationship difficulties |
Employment | Child abuse / PTSD | Parental stress |
Financial | Adult / physical abuse / sexual abuse | Antisocial / friends |
The Change Companies’ WRNA Collection includes gender-responsive curriculum interventions that directly align with the WRNA domains. Endorsed by Dr. Emily Salisbury, one of the WRNA’s original creators, this collection can help professionals collaboratively develop comprehensive, individualized service plans that effectively address the unique needs of the women they serve.
The WRNA Collection Journals include:
Click to explore each Journal in detail.
These Journals provide space for justice-involved women to reflect on their paths forward, their challenges and how they can overcome them to reach their goals. Implementing these Journals into your programs within the justice system can help clarify rehabilitation needs, promote behavior change and lead women to successful outcomes. These Journals can be a direct representation of women’s progress. This helps staff regularly assess women’s risks and needs, and interventions can be adjusted as necessary.
Each Journal in this collection has an associated Facilitator Guide. These Guides take the guesswork out of facilitating the materials, with recommended activities, discussion questions, out-of-session assignments and skill practice.
Individuals who purchase the WRNA collection will also receive a comprehensive session planning guide for low and high intensity multi-session interventions for each domain.