Change Talk Blog

The Value of Training

What is it that makes the treatment some people provide so much more effective than others, even when offering the same approach?

For a long time, treatment outcome research focused on what treatment was best. In these studies, the people delivering treatment A or treatment B were clumped together and their individual differing outcomes were viewed only as “noise” that got in the way of therapeutic effect size.

When researchers dug into their data sets, they were surprised to realize that factors based on the therapists themselves actually seemed to contribute more to outcomes than the specific treatment approach used. We now have growing evidence that one of the best indicators of how long someone stays in treatment and the success they have is the particular helper who was working with them on their treatment plan.

Help and helper are inseparable.

Rooted in the best science of how to be a helper, our live and virtual trainings support you and your team in developing competencies in the specific learnable and measurable attitudes and behaviors that promote a strong therapeutic relationship and facilitate better client outcomes. Whether you use Interactive Journaling® or another evidence-based practice, our training offerings help you develop and refine the therapeutic relational skills that matter.

Simply put, we’re here to support you and your organization so you can continue to do the important work you do when you show up for your clients each and every day.